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MareSkill project - Workshop Announcement: Designing Effective Training Programs

MareSkill project - Workshop Announcement: Designing Effective Training Programs

We are excited to announce the "Workshop on Designing Effective Training Programs", organized by Maritime Department as part of the MareSkill project. The event will take place at the University of Zadar on February 17 and 18, 2025.

This two-day workshop is exclusively designed for MareSkill project partners, providing practical guidance and tools to support the development of impactful training programs within the framework of the sustainable blue economy.

Workshop Topics:
Program Description Development (UNIZD_Maritime Department)

Exploring microcredentials
Aligning with EQF (European Qualifications Framework) levels
Defining clear and measurable learning outcomes
This session will offer valuable insights into creating structured and effective training descriptions tailored to project objectives.

Using the MareSkill Moodle LMS (VUS)

Introduction to the MareSkill LMS platform
Guidance on course delivery and participant engagement
Managing educational activities effectively
This hands-on session will ensure all partners are equipped to utilize the MareSkill Moodle LMS for project implementation.

This workshop is a key milestone in the MareSkill project, fostering collaboration among partners while ensuring the successful delivery of project outcomes. We look forward to welcoming all MareSkill partners to Zadar for this engaging and productive event.

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MareSkill project - Workshop Announcement: Designing Effective Training Programs
DIH InnovaMare project: Join Our Mentoring Sessions for Young Researchers and Companies

DIH InnovaMare project: Join Our Mentoring Sessions for Young Researchers and Companies

The DIH InnovaMare project is excited to invite you to an exclusive mentoring session designed to foster collaboration between industry leaders and young researchers in the blue economy. Whether you are a company looking to share your expertise or a young researcher eager to apply your academic knowledge, this event offers a unique opportunity to connect, learn, and grow.

We are pleased to announce that the workshop will be held on February 18, 2025, from 14:00 to 16:30 at the University of Zadar. Participants can join either on-site or online.

For more information, please visit the link.


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DIH InnovaMare project: Join Our Mentoring Sessions for Young Researchers and Companies
Objavljeno istraživanje u prestižnom međunarodnom časopisu Ocean Engineering

Objavljeno istraživanje u prestižnom međunarodnom časopisu Ocean Engineering

Tim profesora i istraživača s Pomorskog odjela Sveučilišta u Zadru (izv. prof. dr. sc. Marko Valčić), Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (prof. dr. sc. Nastia Degiuli, dr. sc. Ivana Martić, Carlo Giorgio Grlj, mag. ing.) i Odjela za strojarstvo Sveučilišta Aalto, Espoo, Finska (prof. dr. Mingyang Zhang), objavili su znanstveni rad u prestižnom međunarodnom časopisu Ocean Engineering pod naslovom Comparative analysis of machine learning methods for the prediction of brake power and rate of revolution for bulk carriers (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2025.120517). Časopis Ocean Engineering spada u 10 % najboljih svjetskih časopisa u kategoriji Marine Engineering (Q1, Excellence) najrelevantnije svjetske indeksne baze Journal Citation Reports (JCR).

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Objavljeno istraživanje u prestižnom međunarodnom časopisu Ocean Engineering
Kombinirani intenzivni program (Blended Intensive Programme – BIP) „ Fundamentals of maritime autonomy: principles and technological concepts

Kombinirani intenzivni program (Blended Intensive Programme – BIP) „ Fundamentals of maritime autonomy: principles and technological concepts

Na Pomorskom odjelu je pokrenut Kombinirani intenzivni program (Blended Intensive Programme – BIP) „ Fundamentals of maritime autonomy: principles and technological concepts”

Kombinirani intenzivni programi su kratki, intenzivni programi za grupe studenata ili nastavnog i administrativnog osoblja (polaznika) u kojima se primjenjuju inovativni načini učenja i poučavanja. Kombinirani intenzivni program „ Fundamentals of maritime autonomy: principles and technological concepts” pokrenut je u suradnji s:

  • Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. Coordinator
  • University of South-Eastern Norway – USN, Norway. Host university
  • Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium
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Kombinirani intenzivni program (Blended Intensive Programme – BIP) „ Fundamentals of maritime autonomy: principles and technological concepts
Open Call for Brainstorming Session on the Application of New Technologies in the Nautical Tourism Sector

Open Call for Brainstorming Session on the Application of New Technologies in the Nautical Tourism Sector

University of Zadar, partner in the DIH InnovaMare project, is pleased to invite all stakeholders from the nautical tourism value chain (charters, owners, marinas, skippers, etc.) to participate in an upcoming brainstorming session focused on the application of new technologies in Nautical Tourism Sector.

This session is funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2021-2027 Program. More information about brainstorming session and the registration form are available here https://mairos.org/news/open-call-for-brainstorming-session-on-the-application-of-new-technologies-in-the-nautical-tourism-sector/

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Open Call for Brainstorming Session on the Application of New Technologies in the Nautical Tourism Sector