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The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the DIH Innovamare Project

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the DIH Innovamare Project

The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the DIH Innovamare Project gathered key stakeholders at the University of Padova, where it was officially hosted by UCV and University of Padova. Meeting is organized in Padova together with the Conference on marine technologies and implementation for sustainable blue economy. All members of the project team from the Maritime Department of the University of Zadar participated in the meeting.
The team discussed the progress made toward deliverables and emphasized the contributions of various partners in achieving the project's communication objectives. In addition, discussions were held regarding the current status of the project and future activities."
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The 2nd Steering Committee Meeting of the DIH Innovamare Project
Diseminacija projekta i sastanak partnera projekta MareSkill

Diseminacija projekta i sastanak partnera projekta MareSkill

13. i 14. listopada 2024. godine bili su izuzetno zanimljivi dani za projekt MareSkill, na kojem je Pomorski odjel Sveučilišta u Zadru partner, a Veleučilište u Šibeniku vodeći partner. U organizaciji projekta DIH Innovamare, koji vode Hrvatska gospodarska komora, Unioncamere del Veneto i Sveučilište u Padovi, održana je konferencija s temom „Marine technologies and implementation for sustainable blue economy“.
Hrvatska gospodarska komora, kao koordinator DIH InnovaMare projekta, Unioncamere del Veneto, projektni partner, i Sveučilište u Padovi, pridruženi partner, okupili su dionike, među kojima su spin-off tvrtke, studenti i istraživači, kako bi se raspravili rezultati i promovirao razvoj novih spin-off poduzeća. Jedan od primjera je Wireless and More, spin-off tvrtka sa Sveučilišta u Padovi, koja je također partner na projektu.
Konferencija je istaknula potencijal za digitalnu i zelenu transformaciju unutar plave ekonomije, potaknuvši studente i istraživače na istraživanje novih tema i studijskih programa. Ključni rezultati, uključujući ažuriranu kartu izvrsnosti, podijeljeni su sa studentima, tvrtkama i istraživačkim krugovima unutar sveučilišne zajednice. Time se omogućuje povezivanje i suradnja istraživača i tvrtki, što dodatno jača cjelokupni istraživačko-razvojni ekosustav.
Također, iskoristili smo ovu prigodu za drugi sastanak uživo s partnerima projekta MareSkill, gdje smo usvojili najnovije rezultate, dogovorili buduće rokove i radne zadatke."
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Diseminacija projekta i sastanak partnera projekta MareSkill
Open call for identification of challenges in blue economy sectors that could be solved by innovative marine technologies

Open call for identification of challenges in blue economy sectors that could be solved by innovative marine technologies

The open call is implemented within the scope of the project Cross-border Digital Innovation Hub for Innovative Marine Technology - DIH InnovaMare, which is financed by the Interreg Italy - Croatia 2021-2027 cross-border cooperation program aimed at expanding the cross-border innovation ecosystem (the DIH) established as part of the InnovaMare strategic project. The project will convert data, knowledge, and resources owned in its ecosystem into services that will enable the transfer of knowledge and technology from scientific research institutions to the private sector.
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Open call for identification of challenges in blue economy sectors that could be solved by innovative marine technologies